Wanna know why you feel like your systems are failing and you have pain?
Suppose your body is a rocket ship. If your body doesn’t have all of the nutrients–the rocket fuel–that it needs, it can’t “blast off.” It gets stuck. All the systems are NOT “go.”
Sometimes your wonderful rocket ship of a body just kind of falls over and drops off the platform. 🙁
Here’s the deal: Your body needs certain things in order to function its’ best. Those things include:
- stretching
- movement
- a strong back side
- plenty of clean water
- fresh air
- sunshine and
- all of the nutrients it was designed to use.
You just can’t fly if you don’t have the correct fuel.
We are so fortunate that we have so many choices of what to eat. On the other hand, too many of our choices are not really food and not really good for us, either. And, if we don’t give our bodies what they need to function well, we shortchange ourselves.
You can be overweight and still starving. You can think you’re fit and strong yet still be malnourished because you’re not giving your body what it really needs and craves.
But, if you’re reading this article, there’s a good chance that you don’t feel fit and strong. Maybe you feel weak. Puny. Probably your back hurts. Maybe you have a lot of aches and pains.
The good news is: You are in the right place!
You CAN learn how to have a strong back side, simply and easily with equipment you already own: your own bed. You can learn that here at Simple Strengthening. How cool is that?
You CAN learn how to give your body a healthy menu that includes lots of colorful foods (Sorry–Froot Loops don’t count.) You CAN supply your rocket ship with the fuel it needs. And, your body will LOVE you.
That means your aches and pains will start to go away.
If you don’t feel that you are able to get all the nutrients you need from your food, a good multivitamin supplement will supply the missing parts. Supplements are part of my “health insurance policy.”
If you decide to get a vitamin supplement, get a good one. Drugstore supplements are generally just not enough to be very useful. In fact, even most prenatal vitamins only have a small percentage of what we really need to fuel our bodies well. Check out a health food store.
The minerals bodies like most are magnesium, calcium, potassium and iron. A lot of ‘fortified’ foods have iron in them already, though, so you may not need more.
It’s time to get your rocket ship back on the platform and ready to ZOOM!
When you give your body all that it needs, your muscles will function as they were designed and you will be able to heal and get rid of your aches and pains.