back pain muscle pain

How To Get Rid Of A Knot In Your Back

Knots in your back are actually muscles that are in a type of contraction.  Why did this happen?  Because something was making your muscle unhappy.  It’s complaining. That may sound way too simple but bodies are logical.  Things happen for reasons. One of the most common reasons for muscle knots or spasms is using your […]

exercise muscle pain posture

Movements to Relieve Shoulder Pain and Arm Pain

You can get pain in your shoulders, arms and hands when the muscles around your shoulders are “out of balance.”  That means some areas of muscle are “tighter” than they should be and some areas are weaker. That is what causes pain. This video will show you two simple movements that you can do to […]

exercise muscle pain posture strength

You Can Get Muscle Pain Relief With Simple Strengthening!

Pain relief from strengthening your muscles?  You bet! A body that is strong and balanced has much less pain and functions better. I get letters and emails from people all over the world who took action when they started to understand how their bodies work.  They started to understand that maybe they could become pain-free […]
