I was starting to have “crabby” knees, and decided I had to do something about it. I remembered working with a man who had severe damage to both knees. He told me he could walk without pain, even on stairs, as long as he kept the muscles around his knees strong. He did this with […]
Category: strength
Here’s an easy, simple strengthening strategy to get long, strong torso muscles. We often fall into the habit of having a weak, collapsed forward posture. This simple strengthening tip will help you get tall, straight and strong. You can do this sitting and do this on your back in bed or on the floor. Lift your arms over […]
Is it actually possible that exercise can help get rid of your migraine headaches? Yes, in many ways. Often the muscles on the tops of your shoulders, the front and the back of your neck, and your jaw get tight. They get tight because we are out of balance, muscularly. We can often blame this on […]
Does your back hurt now more than it used to? Do you have back pain between your shoulder blades? Is the pain more on your dominant side? Or, is it more lower back pain and/or your neck? There are many possible causes for back pain and muscles are the usual culprit! Honest! Muscles! That’s good news, because […]
After you have been in your exercise or movement program for a while, knowing how many repetitions of an exercise or movement you should do will become second nature to you. You will feel good when your muscles are moving in the correct ways. You will do the movements often, because it feels good. You will be able to […]
Shins? Why on earth would you need to have strong shins muscles? Here’s why. 1. Strong shin muscles create balance between your strong calves and the front of your lower leg. 2. They help prevent charley-horses, or cramps, in your calves. 3. They help create balanced posture. A balanced body has less pain. 4. And, I […]
There is a reason for your upper back pain. Most of the time we hold our shoulders in a forward position. Our head and shoulders are in front of our body during virtually all of our activities. As a result, the muscles in our back get overstretched. Then those muscles hurt and complain. They don’t like being overstretched. Strengthening […]
The first time I watched an exercise video that used small pumping movements I thought, “Ha! That won’t do anything.” I tried it and as I followed along, I thought, “Ha! This isn’t doing anything.” I was wrong. So very, very wrong. I was so sore the next day. Those simple little pumping movements create […]
Do you have neck pain? There are many causes for neck pain, but here is a very common cause and a simple strengthening solution. Often our heads get “stuck” in a forward position. This happens because of the way we hold our head for long periods. The muscles both in front and in back of our necks can […]