exercise posture

Simple Way To Strengthen Core Muscles

The core muscles are the muscles in your torso, front and back and sides.  They are the muscles that hold you in an upright position when they are strong.  🙂  When they are weak, you collapse forward.  🙁 Forward-collapsed posture causes pain and dysfunction.  That’s why you want to have a strong core. But what […]

exercise strength

Easy Way To Get Strong Abs

Strong abdominal muscles help you stay tall and have good posture.  That’s a really good thing because poor, collapsed posture causes heaps and heaps of problems and pain. When your back muscles and abdominal muscles (your ‘core’) are not strong enough to hold you up, you end up with forward head posture also called collapsed […]


Do Rocker Shoes Make Your Legs Strong

People have asked me about shoes with rocker bottoms.  They are supposed to make your leg muscles stronger and more shapely but wait–how can that be? By letting the shoe do the motion rather than the joints in your feet, you are not using your foot and leg muscles fully. You DO want strong legs.  […]


Easy Way To Strengthen Your Stomach Muscles

Here’s an easy way to strengthen your abdominal muscles. I learned this from a physical therapist.  The easiest way to strengthen your abdominals is not to do crunches or sit ups. I don’t like crunches or sit ups for a few different reasons and sometimes they can actually cause back and neck pain. The easiest […]

exercise muscle pain posture

Movements to Relieve Shoulder Pain and Arm Pain

You can get pain in your shoulders, arms and hands when the muscles around your shoulders are “out of balance.”  That means some areas of muscle are “tighter” than they should be and some areas are weaker. That is what causes pain. This video will show you two simple movements that you can do to […]

exercise muscle pain posture strength

You Can Get Muscle Pain Relief With Simple Strengthening!

Pain relief from strengthening your muscles?  You bet! A body that is strong and balanced has much less pain and functions better. I get letters and emails from people all over the world who took action when they started to understand how their bodies work.  They started to understand that maybe they could become pain-free […]


Are You Fueling Your Body With The Right Stuff? Is Pain Caused By Nutritional Deficiencies?

Your body is like a rocket ship. It needs good fuel to function well.

back ache exercise posture strength

Are You As Strong As A Small Child?

You were strong all over when you were an active little child. You used all of your muscles. But, now? You can become strong again at

exercise strength

Mini-Trampolines Can Help You Rebound and Get Strong

Bouncing on a mini-trampoline can help you get stronger legs and better balance. And, you don’t have to bounce high to benefit. Your feet never have to leave the safety of the trampoline.

exercise posture strength

Tai Chi Improves Balance & Strength

Tai Chi can help you get stronger and have better balance. There are differences between yoga and Tai Chi, but both are beneficial.

exercise posture strength

Yoga Can Help You Get Strong, Long, Flexible & Pain-Free

Yoga is an excellent way to become pain-free. Yoga helps you become long, strong and flexible. It’s a very good way to get simple strengthening.

exercise posture strength

How Can You Use Your Bed To Get Stronger & Straighter?

Did you know you bed makes a great exercise tool? When we press against an immovable object, like a wall, we build strength.  That is called resistance training. Your bed offers some softness but it also allows you to move and press into it while it presses back at you.  Here are a few things […]

back pain exercise posture strength

9 Advantages To Strengthening Your Back In Bed

There are lots of types of exercise and movement strengthening programs, and most of them are done in upright positions.  Here are some of the reasons I prefer a program that can be done while you lie on your back in bed. 1.  Almost everyone can lie on their back in relative comfort. 2.  Gravity […]

exercise posture strength

You Can Use Your Bed To Get Stronger & Straighter

Have you ever thought about using your bed as a resistance tool? When we press against an immovable object, like a wall, we build strength.  That is called resistance training.  Your bed offers some softness and it also allows you to move and press into it while it presses back at you. Here are a […]

back ache exercise head pain headaches pain posture strength

Strong Bones Bounce: Another Benefit of A Strong Backside

You’ve heard about the benefits of weight-bearing exercise for strengthening your bones. Being straight and having a strong backside puts the pressure of being upright on your bones, where it belongs.  That lets your bones become strong. And you can read about preventing osteoporosis with good posture (which you can create with the SimpleStrengthening exercises.) […]
